The Written Word

JJ24 #35: All Other Ground ...

JJ24 #35: All Other Ground ...

JJ240704 - Hymnal

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness

I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. (Edward Mote)

I sang the lines to this song many times in my formative years at church. It’s a good link to Jesus's statement at the end of His teaching regarding those who hear and obey what they hear from Him. Those who hear and put it into action are said to be those who build on the rock. Listening and adhering is like building on sand.

The chorus of the hymn, with those lyrics, stated that Christ is the solid rock on which we stand, with all other ground being sinking sand. To reinforce that truth, that line would be repeated about what the other ground was all about.

Singing the song in those years was one thing; seeing the reality of those songs in subsequent years has made singing those words all the more profound. It’s very telling when people make statements referring to hope. They know the power of hope and that it can stimulate and motivate action with bright eyes and glowing hearts for what is to be expected as they persist and persevere. Those who iterate that concept know full well that it is building something in people. Yet because it’s not grounded in the revelation of Jesus Christ, it is no different from inflating a balloon to the point that it either is popped and blown to smithereens or deflated with the realities of life. Either way, the outcome is the same – ruins.

Because all other ground is sinking sand.

Jesus is not making flowing and baseless promises. He is rooted in the only truth that matters in life. His reference point is eternal reality. That eternal reality has a bearing in the here and now. That’s how we get glimpses and echoes through interactions that align with Him. That’s how we know what we do with Him in mind won’t end up with a shattering explosion or a depressing deflation. What we do with Him, for Him and through Him is founded on reality that endures.

Because all other ground is sinking sand.

And because that’s the case, standing on the solid rock makes sense.

For His Name's Sake

C. L. J. Dryden


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