The Written Word

CLJD Weekly 06 - Follow

CLJD Weekly 06 - Follow

It’s one thing to draw crowds; it’s another thing to gain followers.

If you are blessed to be brilliant at something that could gain crowds. The world of celebrity can refer to individuals who are brilliant at something, even if that something is doing what’s necessary to stay in the limelight and draw a crowd. She sings so well, and people love to hear her music, so when they see she’s having a concert close to them, it’s not a problem to be a part of the crowd that enjoys her music. He is brilliant at football, and his skills draw people to pay money to see him in action, home or away.

It would be interesting, though, if that singer or footballer invited people to actually learn what it was to sing or play football. What if they said they’re looking for people to follow them, not just for the latest snapshots of their appearance at a movie premiere, but to excel in the craft? That’s the difference between the crowds and the followers.

Crowds flocked to see Jesus because of the marvellous things He did. Here, a lame person was healed. An act of mercy was delivered there. The blind received their sight. Multitudes were well fed with a few scraps from a fish sandwich. Great hope was given to the hopeless. These are great acts that understandably drew a crowd. There is a demand placed on some today that the church should return to doing these acts and likewise drawing a crowd as Jesus did. Following that demand is a question as to whether a church has the presence of the Holy Spirit if these things are not taking place. You can continue that debate for yourself if you wish.

What’s of interest in this entry is how Jesus was not primarily on earth to draw a crowd. His interest was in gaining followers. The singer and the footballer would want you to excel in their craft. Jesus’ craft was life. All life. Every facet and aspect of life. His followers would understand how to live as they were created to live as they followed the Creator of Life. It was not just about the acts; it was about understanding the heart of what it was to live this way. Jesus set up the understanding of what it was to follow Him from immersion into life in Him to the cost of what it was to follow Him.

The invitation to follow Jesus is the most exciting invitation to receive in life – exactly because it’s an invitation to live. The abundance of life available to followers is amazing for those willing to follow.

For His Name's Sake

C. L. J. Dryden


To help apply what you’ve read, here are practical tips:


  • Reflect on your motivations: Am I merely part of the crowd drawn to Jesus for His blessings, or am I committed to being a true follower seeking to live as He lived?
  • Evaluate your understanding: Do I grasp the cost and depth of what it means to follow Jesus, or am I focused only on the external acts of faith?
  • Consider your life purpose: Am I aligning my life with Jesus’ invitation to live abundantly and as I was created to live?


  • Study Jesus’ life and teachings: Spend time reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) to understand how Jesus lived and what He taught about following Him.
  • Embrace discipleship: Look for opportunities to grow as a follower by joining a Bible study group or mentoring someone in their faith journey.
  • Count the cost: Reflect on areas of your life where following Jesus may require sacrifice or change. Commit to surrendering those areas to Him.


  • Pray for transformation: Lord, help me move from being part of the crowd to being a devoted follower. Teach me to live as You lived and guide me in understanding Your heart.
  • Ask for strength: Father, give me the courage and perseverance to embrace the cost of following You and live according to Your will.
  • Encourage others: Pray with fellow believers for a deeper commitment to following Jesus and supporting one another in that journey.


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