The Written Word

CLJD Weekly 08 - Understanding the Assignment

CLJD Weekly 08 - Understanding the Assignment

"Well done!"

Well done son

We give great credit to individuals who are focused on doing what they need to do in line with the instructions to deliver outstanding results to benefit others. We give great credit to these individuals because they understand the assignment. That assignment is set by an authority and is filled with the instructions for them to exercise their skill and ability to carry it out.

In 1 Kings 13, we encounter a sobering story of a prophet sent by God to deliver a message of judgment to King Jeroboam. The prophet was given clear instructions: deliver the message, refuse hospitality, and return home by a different route. Initially, he obeyed God’s command with courage and precision. However, when an older prophet deceived him by claiming to have received a word from the Lord, the younger prophet disobeyed God’s direct instruction. Tragically, his disobedience cost him his life.

This passage is a powerful reminder of the importance of obeying God’s instructions fully and faithfully. It also highlights the dangers of being swayed by others’ voices, even those that seem spiritual or authoritative, when they contradict what God has already spoken.

In Ephesians 2:10, Paul reminds us of our identity in Christ: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Each of us has been uniquely crafted by God for specific assignments—good works that He has planned for us. Like the prophet in 1 Kings 13, we are called to walk in obedience to these assignments with unwavering faithfulness.

The story challenges us to reflect on our own walk with God. Are we listening carefully to His voice? Are we committed to His instructions, even when others try to distract or mislead us? And are we staying focused on the good works He has prepared for us, trusting Him above all else? Do we understand our assignment?

The younger prophet’s downfall came when he allowed someone else’s words to override God’s clear command. This can happen to us too if we’re not vigilant. The world is full of competing voices—friends, family, culture, even well-meaning Christians—that can distract us from the path God has set before us. But as Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

To remain faithful to our assignments:

  • Cultivate discernment through prayer and Scripture.
  • Guard against distractions and deceptions.
  • Trust that God’s instructions are sufficient and perfect.

The good works God has prepared for you may not always make sense to others or align with their expectations. But your calling is unique, and your obedience matters—not just for you but for the people God wants to reach through you. That way, when we reach the end of life’s journey, we can look forward to a “well done” from the Lord because we understood the assignment.

For His Name's Sake


C. L. J. Dryden

To help apply the principles from what you’ve read, here are practical tips:

Ask (Reflections to Make)

  • Are there areas in your life where you’ve allowed others’ opinions or advice to distract you from what God has clearly called you to do?
  • How well are you listening for and recognizing God’s voice through His Word and Spirit?
  • Are you fully committed to completing the good works God has prepared for you?

Seek (Actions to Take)

  • Choose a scripture this week that focuses on obedience and discernment (e.g., Psalm 119:9-16, Proverbs 3:5-6, John 10:27). Meditate on it daily to sharpen your ability to recognise His voice.
  • Write down one specific distraction and commit to reducing or eliminating it for a set period (e.g., fasting from social media for three days).
  • Reflect on a specific assignment God has placed on your heart (e.g., sharing your faith, serving in ministry, reconciling a relationship). What is one step you can take to move forward in obedience?

Knock (Prayer for God’s Sake)

  • Pray for discernment so that you can recognise God’s voice above all others.
  • Pray for God to give you courage and strength to remain obedient, even when it’s difficult or unpopular.
  • Intercede for others who may be struggling with distractions or deceptions – pray that they would hear and follow God’s voice clearly.

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