Serving others is sometimes about giving others the platform to flourish.
When I was much younger, I muddled around with activities that gave the impression I knew what I was doing, but I was largely without direction. I had an awareness of what I could do, I knew what I enjoyed doing, and I had an idea of what I wanted to do. Essentially, though, I was drifting along.
One person took me under his wing. Not primarily to bring out the best in me. How things worked out was that he took me under his wing as I decided to work with him on some gospel projects. He was not drifting. He had a clear idea of what he was doing, and he developed a clear idea of how I could help. He had a clear idea – I didn’t. That led to me getting involved in things I’d never done before. This guy helped me a lot and endeavoured to serve me through some crucial stages of my development. I’ll always be grateful for the work the man gave me to go through the rites of passage towards appreciating responsibility.
This season saw me learn what it is to serve. It was hugely helpful to know how those who support you can, in turn, be the platform for you to bless others with the blessing from God. One of the keys to that is the importance of conversation. They are taking an interest in people. Exploring who they are and why they are. Not just as a vague psychological profile session. Something around discovering where they are in the story and what they recognise about themselves. Although we live in a selfish world and people’s specialist subject often talks about what matters to them, there is still the element in which the conversation does not have to be priming selfishness. The Kingdom of God is full of people who have discovered their gifts for others through serving. Exploring that and how people do what they do well can be how we become the platform.
The Kingdom of God does not devalue the worth of someone who can type up meeting minutes. The Kingdom of God does not diminish the contribution of those who ensure seating should be in the area. The Kingdom of God celebrates those who might be overlooked otherwise. The Kingdom of God notes how we serve others by using our skills and abilities without drawing attention to them. That means your contribution makes a difference. That means what you give with what God has empowered you to give is of eternal value, even if it won’t go viral, be recognised on a podium, or get wide acclaim.
As a result, the Kingdom of God has people in it who are delighted to be a platform to serve others. We see that in how the early church saw what Joseph was doing with others to the point that they thought a better term to refer to him was Barnabas. He proved that not just in the funds he gave generously, but in that way, he was delighted to be a platform for Saul of Tarsus. He championed the gifted and supported them even when others might have questioned them. We see how Aquila and Priscilla were keen to help Apollos. We see that in the way the couple went along with Paul to support him in becoming effective in serving.
This is even seen in the letters from Paul and the range of people he shouts out through those letters. People who we may not remember, but Paul certainly did. People who clearly didn’t write an epistle appeal to a crowd in Athens or go on a missionary journey throughout Europe. They didn’t do those things, but Paul recognised their considerable value. That recognition reinforced how he was just as much a platform for them in his recognition as they had been for him, which led to the shout-out in the first place. This is the beautiful thing about Kingdom living. It’s not about serving yourself. It is about allowing others to serve you, and as that works itself, then what’s being raised is the attention on Jesus, who called and equipped others to serve by being a platform for them.
For His Name's Sake
C. L. J. Dryden