The Written Word

Day 7: When The Wind Blew

Day 7: When The Wind Blew

By Paulette Phiri

21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. 22 So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

Exodus 14:21-22

Have you ever wondered where the wind comes from and where it goes?  Neither have I, I just trust that God knows and is in full control.

In a lunchtime broadcast on 15 October 1987, weather forecaster Michael Fish made a prediction that would catapult him into the halls of ‘weather’ fame.

"Earlier on today apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she'd heard there was a hurricane on the way," he confidently told viewers.

"Well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't." Said Michael.

It was one of the last broadcasts before the Great Storm of 1987, which hit the UK with winds of up to 115 mph, left hundreds of thousands of homes without power, and killed 18 people - the most damaging storm to hit the UK since 1703. Michael Fish trusted in the computers and meteorology reports and this error became his defining moment.

When Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and trusted God, this became his defining moment.  All scripture can attest to the greatness of our wonderful and mighty God.  Moses had previously seen how God had changed his rod into a serpent and back into a rod, his hand become leprous and then whole again and how the ten plagues devastated the Egyptians, whilst keeping the children of Israel safe.  Moses confidently knew that God was in control.

God would once again show His power when, weeks after Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave, on the Day of Pentecost when people heard what sounded like a mighty rushing wind and from that experience thousands were likewise delivered from slavery to sin. As we build and grow in our relationship with the Lord, we too can experience unwavering faith in our great and mighty God.  Not every sea will be parted for us, but we can have an assurance that God is still in control.

Ask - Why do you think God asked Moses to stretch out His hand?

Seek - How does Moses’ faith speak to us in our walk with the Lord?

Knock - Teach us Lord how to trust You implicitly, not when we already know the outcome.

(Main Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels)

(Inner Photo by NASA on Unsplash)

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