The Written Word

Day 55 (Kingdom Series) – The King Speaks to His People

Day 55 (Kingdom Series) – The King Speaks to His People

By Christopher Dryden and Shirley Rosemarie Evans

Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on His throne. Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.

Revelation 3:21-22 NLT

 King from the heavenly throne

Every year at Christmas time, the monarch of the United Kingdom gives an address. The address usually covers views on the year and hopes for the year ahead. For most in the country, this is as much as they’ll hear from the King for the year.

At no point in the addresses has the monarch encouraged the subjects of the Kingdom with an offer that one day, if they keep on believing, they too will rule on the throne.

In contrast, Jesus, the King of Glory, takes a great deal more care and time to communicate with His people. He speaks through His Word and communicates by His Spirit. His addresses are not merely token gestures as a powerless figurehead but as the compassionate and authoritative Lord of Life.

The last book of the Bible is literally called "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." The first few chapters reveal the king's power, brilliance, majesty, and urgent messages to seven outposts of His rule. The messages are as pertinent to His people today as they were to the audiences of John’s day. Each letter involved Jesus’ appraisal of their condition and their context with words of correction where necessary as well as commendation where appropriate.

Here are headlines of what Jesus told each church:

  • Ephesus – Remember your first love
  • Smyrna – Remain faithful in persecution
  • Pergamos – Hold fast to my word to avoid compromise
  • Thyatira – Continue in faith and love and eliminate false teaching
  • Sardis – You’re delusional. Don’t believe your hype – wake up and sort yourself out!
  • Philadelphia – Hold on! I’ll keep you through your trials
  • Laodicea – You’re leaving a bad taste in the mouth – repent to avoid being spat out

What the King says to one church is read by all churches. It helps everyone understand the standards the King sets for His people. It also reassures them that He is aware of their circumstances and holds a promise for those who will endure to the end. He is present with them in their situation, not popping in for an annual address.

The rule of the King today invites us to remember these key messages: remain faithful, don’t tolerate false teachings, patiently endure trials and persecution, be aware of falling for delusional perspectives, and look to the King who assures us of victory.

As we hear these messages, the challenge is for us to recognise where we are as far as the King is concerned. Repent where He instructs us, and be reassured as He leads us. His words of promise hold ever true today: If we pay attention to Him now, we will celebrate and enjoy His eternal rule in the fullness of time.

Ask: Why does King Jesus see the need to address His churches?

Seek: How does the message of the King, motivate, inspire or challenge you and your local church?

Knock: Our King cares – acknowledge this in a prayer of thanksgiving. Our King corrects – respond to this discipline in diligent obedience. Or King consoles – embrace this and be encouraged.

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