Welcome to Kingdom Position Ministries. A labour of love birthed many years ago in the hearts and minds of those gifted by God to express the truth and vital importance of expressing what His rule is like. This is also here to help those who are in the Kingdom to be positioned effectively to declare and demonstrate what that rule looks like.
The heart and inspiration of the words written and spoken on this site come from Jesus' guide to prayer that acknowledged our Father whose name is holy and who inhabits heaven and now as our eyes look to Him we seek His heavenly rule to be made known on earth. These are words that can be repeated but do they shape how we speak? Do they influence our actions? Do they form our relationships and pursuits?
Does the future return of Jesus really affect our present condition and behaviour? We hope you'll be blessed and challenged, provoked and consoled by the content of this site sourced in the wonder and love of God who rules in righteousness and justice so people can clearly see how wondrous His rule and be drawn from darkness to His marvellous light.
Christopher Dryden - Contributor