Here's how some people experience it.
Turn up, sit down, stand up, sit down, sing up, shut up, listen up, shout out, laugh out, stand up, sing out, pray up, chat up, get out.
While the routine may be familiar to many, it’s not the only experience. There are diverse experiences and routines, each with its own value. However, it's crucial to recognise that some routines, while well-established, may not always lead to the desired outcome. The key lies in fostering a genuine sense of community.
Some of those routines are designed to give the impression of community, but it's not the kind that they propose. It’s not the kind because some crucial elements are missing in the routine: elements such as mutual edification and making disciples who make disciples of Jesus. Elements such as depth of relationship and accountability to spur each other on to love and good works.
Not all the experiences are like this. Some experiences have it inbuilt to centre gatherings to those elements so that the Christ that we say we’re following and are focused on is genuinely reflected in communities that spur each other to follow Jesus and build each other up with what God has given to that end. Some gatherings focus on those elements with the desire to display the apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, shepherding and teaching aspects of the Body and realise that these attributes are not found in any single individual, however articulate, bright, charismatic and capable that individual may appear to be.
There is beauty in a routine that focuses on the things that matter to Jesus so that everyone engaging in the time together can emerge consoled, comforted, and challenged to live out the truth of who He is. Jesus is the One who heals, forgives, equips, enables, teaches, deploys, and celebrates.
This kind of fellowship has a routine that sets it apart from the norm. It’s a routine that inspires me to look to Jesus, live for Jesus, and be excited about showing Jesus to others. It's a routine that leads to a glorious fellowship.
For His Name's Sake
C. L. J. Dryden