By Shirley Rosemarie Evans
Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfill Scripture he said, “I am thirsty.”
As a jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it up to his lips.
When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
John 19:28, 30 NLT
“It is finished,” the final words Jesus spoke on the cross. You can imagine His agony as He uttered these words. He had been whipped until His flesh hung like ribbons, He had walked His body battered and torn and in excruciating pain bearing the cross on His back through the jeering crowds, He had been mocked, spat upon a crown of thorns placed on His head when He was thirsty He had been given vinegar, and with His last breath He cried “it is finished.” But this was no whimper of defeat, this was a shout of triumph and what a victory!
The phrase “It is finished,” comes from the Greek word tetelestai has profound meanings.
It means completion, payment and victory. For centuries, the Israelites offered animal sacrifices as an atonement for sin, but these sacrifices were temporary and insufficient and needed to be repeated year after year; a more perfect sacrifice was needed. Jesus was that sacrifice. He was the perfect lamb of God, fully divine and fully human, experiencing all of that is common to humanity yet without sin. His death and resurrection were the completion of the Old Testament law, and He was the complete remedy for sin once and for all time for all people everywhere.
Jesus’ death on the cross was payment. He settled the sin debt man had incurred. Mankind, beginning in the Garden of Eden, had rebelled against God. The penalty for sin was death and eternal separation from a Holy God. The debt needed to be paid, and the man had no means to pay; without Christ, we are helpless and hopeless, struggling with sin. With His death, payment was made in full. All who believe are reconciled back to God. God sent Jesus so that we would no longer be separated from God and so that we might have eternal life.
Jesus’ death on the cross was seemingly a defeat. His enemies thought they were ending His insurrection and radical teachings, but little did they know. His death was a victory. Victory over sin breaks its power to enslave mankind and delivers us from its penalty of death. It was a victory over Satan, defeating his plan and releasing mankind from Satan’s kingdom. It was a victory because His resurrection confirmed Christ’s authority over death and hell.
Jesus’ death and resurrection, in their completion, payment, and victory, ensured that it was a finished work. No further sacrifices are needed; we are fully forgiven, fully reconciled, and fully transformed.
Ask: “It is finished.” What do you think those witnessing Jesus die would have thought when they heard Him say those words?
Seek: What does Sacrifice on the Cross mean to you? How are you living life in response to His sacrifice?
Knock: Prayer – Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for Jesus ultimate sacrifice. Help us grasp the depth of His love. May we live with freedom and gratitude from knowing that no more sacrifices are needed, Amen.