By Shirley Rosemarie Evans
“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
Matthew 6:14-15
Many popular action movies focus on individuals billed as heroes who are out to get vengeance on those who have hurt them, or their family members done some wrong. We have films “Gladiator,” and James Bond's “Licence to Kill” to name a couple. The sad truth is that modern society is one in which, forgiveness is not what is highlighted or applauded rather we give great weight to making sure that people get what they deserve. We want our pound of flesh and then some!
Life in Christ, however, turns the norms of this world on its head. Can you imagine the reaction of the disciples and those gathered for the sermon on the mount as Jesus taught them that they must love their enemies and do good to those who mistreat them? This is the beatitudes - depicting a spirit-filled life lived in and through the grace of God extending grace to others, even when it is seemingly undeserved, reflecting in a small measure what Christ did for us. We deserved death, but Christ on our behalf endured a cruel death on the cross so that we might experience life in Him. In this new life lived by grace, we live counter to culture.
Unforgiveness is a hindrance to the outworking of grace in the life of the believer:
1. Unforgiveness holds us captive
Our life in Christ means that we are set free not just from sin but from everything that would hold us prisoner. Holding on to past hurts imprisons us and prevents us from experiencing the abundance of life in Christ promised to the believer. Unforgiveness means that the wounds are forever open and unable to heal, and the pain is very much alive. Where we hold on to unforgiveness our hurt will eventually become bitterness making us joyless believers and will affect our physical health as stress-related illnesses such as hypertension, anxiety, and stomach issues can afflict us.
2. Unforgiveness is the enemy of grace.
Christ told Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:10 that “His grace was sufficient,” and “His power is made perfect in weakness.” This verse reminds us that no matter what we are experiencing God's grace is available and is at its best in our weaknesses. Choosing to forgive makes room for grace to sustain and transform us whilst holding on to our hurt and unforgiveness blocks and denies the power of grace to transform our struggles.
3. Unforgiveness means that we will likewise not be forgiven.
The Bible makes it clear that a prerequisite for us to be forgiven is that we must first forgive others. Jesus taught what is known as “The Lord’s Prayer,” our model for approaching God which states “and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.” (Matthew 6:12). And again, this is repeated later in the passage when Jesus says if we don’t forgive God will not forgive us. And here is the rub, forgiveness is not a one-time event rather we must forgive over and over.
Let us choose to let go of any area of unforgiveness so our lives will be a conduit of God’s grace flowing out to touch the lives of others.
Ask: How do you think the crowds gathered would have responded to Christ’s radical instructions on forgiveness and loving your enemies?
Seek: Are you holding on to any areas of unforgiveness in your life? How is this affecting your relationship with Christ and with others?
Knock: Father I thank you for the new life made available to me as a believer in and through Christ Jesus. Help me to search my heart for any areas of unforgiveness and where it is revealed help me by your grace to release others so that I might experience more of your wonderful grace, so that my relationship with you is not hindered and that my witness to others will display the fullness of your wonderful grace. For Christ’s great name's sake. Amen
(Upper Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash)
(Inner Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash)