The Written Word

Day 10 (Kingdom Series) - A Kingdom Insight: The Job File

Day 10 (Kingdom Series) - A Kingdom Insight: The Job File

By Chalcedony Williams

 Then Job replied to the Lord:

“I know that you can do anything,

and no one can stop you.

You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’

It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about,

things far too wonderful for me.

You said, ‘Listen and I will speak!

I have some questions for you,

and you must answer them.’

I had only heard about you before,

but now I have seen you with my own eyes.

I take back everything I said,

and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”

Job 42:1-6 NLT

Raised in Praise

In Job chapter 1, God refers to Job as “blameless – a man of complete integrity” – what an honour! Satan disagrees with God. He suggests that Job is only blameless because of the many blessings he receives. So, God gives Satan permission to test this theory and strip away everything that Job has.

Job’s friends try to convince “blameless” Job that he is suffering because of his sin. They believed that God only gave good things to those who did good and bad things to those who did wrong. But everything around us shows that good things happen to bad people, and even the best of us still suffer. Jesus taught that God “gives His sunlight to both the evil and the good.” You see, God is not simple-minded in any of His ways, especially in how He treats people. Job’s story shows us a simple truth: God rules, and His ways are not like ours.

Throughout the book, Job cries out for an opportunity to stand before God in the courts of heaven to prove his innocence. But he also recognises he has no right to question God or even speak face-to-face with Him because God is holy. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords; no one is His equal, and anyone in God’s presence would be stunned to silence. Who can question a King? Job acknowledges this and begs for a mediator who has the authority to bridge the gap between God and man. Little did Job know that a Mediator would one day come to earth from the throne room of heaven – a King becoming a servant.

By God’s grace, Job eventually gets his day in court. But it does not go the way he expects. There is no explanation of what happened; God does not answer Job’s questions. Instead, God demonstrates His sovereignty and almighty power. God paints a picture of how He formed everything, notices the tiniest details, and keeps everything under control. Our God is the only wise God; His knowledge is unsearchable. Even if God were to explain why things happen or do not, we would never fully understand. God owes us no explanation, but He is a King who comes close to us and shows us His power, not so that we are intimidated, but so that we can trust Him. God rules, but He is a good, faithful and merciful King.

After God finishes speaking, Job repents, and God, in His mercy, completely restores Job. If we allow Him, God will speak to us in our distress. He will show us His power and His wisdom and help us to see how good He is.  

Ask: Why was Job unable to question God?

Seek:  Why is it easier to question God than to trust Him?

Knock: Sing or read the hymn “Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus”. In prayer, ask God to show you His power in your difficult situation and help you trust Him.

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