Jesus is all the world to me.
Loner, though I have been in the past, I would not have made progress on the journey without a friend. I have found in Jesus the best friend I could ever have. He is very patient with me. I mess up often, and He doesn’t reject me but patiently reminds me. Reminds me that He called me and will sustain me as I learn to rely on Him totally. He is also gracious. He does not overlook my faults; He addresses them and reminds me that everything I do is done through Him and by Him. He rebukes me and restores me. He inspires me and provokes me. He does this so I can make progress in the journey. He knows the journey is the best thing for me in every aspect.
There has been a substantial amount of mileage on the journey so far. It’s enough to convince me of how I am prone to wonder. It’s enough to let me know I cannot be trusted to go off my efforts. It’s enough to encourage me that Jesus, my friend, faithful at the beginning, can be trusted to remain faithful to the end. That faithfulness will be crucial for the next steps in the journey, let alone whatever remains for the rest of the journey.
As my friend, who is all the world to me, I write this desirous to be obedient to what He’s called me to do. I’m keen to continue telling the story and teaching about the Kingdom. I’m eager to make the most of opportunities to make Kingdom connections wherever I can and be a part of collectives keen on edifying each other to pursue His Kingdom first and His righteousness. I’m eager to employ all He’s given me to get His Word across to enable others to see the great value of a life committed to following Jesus.
I’ve enjoyed the opportunities to use the word in written form. There are no indications that this should end, and this season of journals has reminded me that however things expand and change, there will always be the very simple aspect of putting thought to paper. Writing will continue to be a part of the journey. Opportunities to use the speaking tool either in live circumstances or in recorded form are also elements that I look forward to continuing. Not just in rhetoric but in conversation too with others on the journey. I know I’m capable of facilitating conversations and take great pleasure in being a part of those that see saints express themselves in ways that they may not have in the past to the benefit of others who clearly needed to hear what they had to share.
Kingdom projects in Kingdom company remain crucial to the next steps. How we can grow together in doing Kingdom business together continues to inspire me as to how wondrous the various aspects of the Body of Christ function to glorify God. I don’t want to miss that in all the activity. I want to treasure and cherish the beauty of God as His presence lifts His saints to operate as He wants them, as it builds a deeper connection with Him and each other, and as that expands to bless the lives of others beyond us.
The more I get to know Jesus, the more I’m aware there’s so much more to know about Him. I don’t want to get too comfortable and complacent to believe I’ve reached an acceptable standard of knowing Him. I don’t want to reach a point of conceit that my knowledge is sufficient. I want to know Him more and see Him through the saints and scenarios that He presents to know Him deeper and be inspired to express who He is for the benefit of others.
It’s not for me to dictate what happens next in the journey. It’s for me to be sensitive, diligent, humble and obedient to how He chooses to lead in the coming steps. Even as those who have gone before me prove how true it is that we walk with Him, each step we take leads us closer home. I want to make it there. I want to do that because He has been so good to me. I want to do it because He is so holy, beautiful and worthy. I want to do it because He has seen me at my worst and knows what He can still do with me and through me. He’s established a path where I didn’t see one. He’s given me bread when I thought I would starve. He’s given hope when I didn’t think any was available. He is the Lord of all, and I worship Him. He is the Example set for me to follow in His footsteps. I’m glad that I know Him and glad that He enables me to know Him more. Whatever happens, I want to follow Him because …
He’s my friend.
For His Name's Sake
C. L. J. Dryden