The Written Word

JJ24 #54: The Renewed Life - A People Restored

JJ24 #54: The Renewed Life - A People Restored

JJ240823 Restored Masterpiece

God is good at getting those who were out of order to fit right in.

We did not belong to this world’s decaying system, to an inharmonious state with our Creator and each other. As long as we operated in those places, it was no wonder all we ever faced was despair.

God paid the price to return us to Himself. God broke down the walls that prevented the needed reunion. God did much more than that. God recognised that we were not in the right place. Once we were purchased back from slavery and put back in the right relationship with Him, it was His delight to position us exactly as we were created to be.

God's work of restoration in those who put their trust in Him is so brilliant that it is why it is referred to as His Masterpiece. That which was broken, discarded, and fraying away is now refurbished and displayed for the universe to see His work. Men and women from various backgrounds who usually have no reason to interact and engage with each other see each other as sisters and brothers joined in the glorious pursuit of reflecting the wonder and marvel of the Beautiful Saviour.

Those who read of how, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and saw how all He created was good are thus put in strategic places to refer back to that. The Spirit that caused dry bones to rise as an army now infuses those who were dead in trespasses and sins but are made alive in Christ. They are now animated to bring about righteousness, peace and joy. This is evident in the quality of relationships. This is evident in the activities that they conduct together. This is evident in their desire to serve each other, their surrounding communities and beyond. This is evident in their commitment to the mission of God, something they realise cannot be accomplished alone but in a relationship with God and each other.

From the right relationship flows an allegiance to something far more significant than an individual can concoct or manipulate. From the right relationship, God’s vision opens our eyes to see how He can create an oasis right in the middle of the desert. God’s vision opens our eyes to see how we can be a beacon, drawing people into the safety of the Saviour. God’s vision opens our eyes to see opportunity, where others see a reason to moan and complain. God’s vision opens our eyes to see the part we play in bringing glory to His name by returning things to how He planned them.

The open eyes don’t just see what God sees. It also trusts God to equip and empower us to play our part and know He will bring it realisation as it’s His work. Restoration is seen in marriages that honour Him. Restoration is seen in families that function along the lines He sets. Restoration is seen in communities of grace operating under His rule and eager to retain the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ in all things. Restoration is seen in a commitment to work and an employment ethic that desires to use everything God has given us to cultivate and make the best use of the resources around us. Restoration is our approach to whatever income we gain to bring food for the family and support those unable to support themselves. Restoration is seen in a flourishing environment as creativity and ingenuity are harnessed not just for expression but also for the beautification of all life. Restoration is seen in the healing of the physical and beyond. Restoration is seen in the welcome embrace of the marginalised as they are aware of the story of God, who takes those from far away to be brought close in His family.

God's vision of restoration reflects the harmonious state of affairs He designed from the beginning and will fully realise at the end. This is why restoration is not just an individual affair, though it can be seen there as each testifies of how He turned them from a vessel of dishonour to one that brings glory to Him. It extends beyond the individual to the communal who see themselves anew in the light of who He is. That extends far beyond themselves as they see the hurt and pain of those around them and are not satisfied to just see people bought by the blood of Jesus and entered into the right relationship with Him. They are excited to see those who repent and receive His Spirit restored to their right place in the Body, right position in society and right pick for the role God has for them in His Masterpiece.

What’s more, there’s a realisation that to truly function fully in this role, those who operate in this manner are not just a People Redeemed, Reconciled, and Restored but a People Reoriented …

For His Name's Sake

C. L. J. Dryden


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