- Day 2: Israel’s Wilderness Detour
- Day 23: Preparation for the Lord’s Presence
- Day 25: Climbing Higher
- Day 26: The Sanctuary God Lives In
- Day 27: The Bread of the Presence
- Day 28: The Lampstand Whose Light Reflects Forward
- Day 29: The Curtain That Separated
- Day 36: The Lord Refuses To Travel Among Them
- Day 37: The One to Whom the Lord Will Speak
- Day 38: Favour Equals Presence
- Day 39: Encountering God
- Day 40: The Favour of the Lord
- Day 41: The Lord Whose Name Is Jealous
- Day 42: ‘All Whose Hearts Were Stirred . . . .’
- Day 43: The Glory of the Lord Filled the Tabernacle
- Day 44: Be Careful Who You Criticise
- Day 48: The Consequence of Not Trusting God
- Day 49: We Are Now Ready To Enter
- Day 50: Korah’s Rebellion
- Day 58: Transferring Authority
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